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OpenID Connect Authentication and UMA PEP Authorization#


In this tutorial, we are going to add OpenID Connect Authorization code flow authentication by configuring the gluu-openid-connect plugin and user authorization by the gluu-uma-pep plugin. User will be authenticate first and second part is to check the user permission using the UMA Policy.

In the demo, the user will first be authenticated by OpenID Connect and for /settings resource, user will be prompted to enter their country and city before being able to access a protected page. If the values entered are correct (US, NY), the user is granted access. If not, access is denied. We are using default UMA Policy available in Gluu CE which check the Country=US and City=NY. You can modify this policy and write the custom login to authorized user.


If you have 2-3 policies then it will be good to use UMA. But If you have much more numbers of policies then OPA is the best option.


  • Gluu Gateway 4.1: This is our an OpenID Connect relying party(RP) between the client and the upstream service. Install Gluu Gateway. OXD Server is a static APIs web application which will install during GG installation.

  • Gluu Server 4.1: This is our OpenID Connect Server. Install Gluu

  • Protected(Upstream) Website: In our demo, we are using a demo Node.js App. Take Node.js demo from here.

Gluu Gateway configuration (RP)#


The GG UI is only available on the localhost. Since it is on a remote machine, we need SSH port forwarding to reach the GG UI. Plugin configuration can be done either via REST calls or via the Gluu Gateway web interface.

Applications and their ports:

Port Description
1338 Gluu Gateway Admin GUI
8001 Kong Admin API
8000 Kong Proxy Endpoint
443 Kong SSL Proxy Endpoint. Kong by default provide 8443 port for SSL proxy but during setup, it changes into 443.
8443 oxd Server

Login into Gluu Gateway Admin GUI(:1338) and follow the below steps.

Add Service#

Register your upstream website as a Service.

We are using http://localhost:4400 as the Upstream Website, it is your application where you want to add OpenID Connect Authentication. End-users always request to first kong proxy, the plugin will perform authentication and if all is ok then kong will forward a request to the upstream website and serve content which is return by the upstream website.

Follow these step to add Service using GG UI

  • Click SERVICES on the left panel
  • Click on + ADD NEW SERVICE button
  • Fill in the following boxes:
    • Name: oidc-opa-demo
    • URL: http://localhost:4400


Add Route#

Follow these steps to add a route:

  • Click on the oidc-uma-demo service

  • Click Routes

  • Click the + ADD ROUTE button

  • Fill in the following boxes:

    • Name: oidc-uma-demo
    • Hosts: <your-server-host>, Tip: Press Enter to accept value. In my case, I am using server and updated /etc/hosts file. This is the host which we will use to request in a browser after configuration. You can register your domain host if you are using live servers. For further next tutorial, I am using, you need to use your host. Check kong docs for more routing capabilities here.


Configure gluu-openid-connect plugin#

  • Click ROUTES on the left panel
  • Click on route id/name which has host
  • Click on Plugins
  • Click on + ADD PLUGIN button
  • You will see Gluu OIDC & UMA PEP title and + icon in pop-up.
  • Click on the + icon and it will show below form.
    • Enable UMA PEP Security configuration and disabled ACR Expression.
    • Fill UMA PEP Security configuration section form with the below details
Fields Value Description
Path /settings/? it will protect path /settings/ and also any sub path in settings path.
HTTPMethods GET it will used to protect the HTTP Methods. GET means for the GET HTTP methods. You can configure as your requirement For Example: GET, POST, all others.
scope with-claims it is just a name of the scope. GG UI will create UMA scope in your Gluu CE. In Gluu CE UI(oxtrust) you need to add the UMA Policy in this scope
Deny By Default No(false) it is optional. false means it is will allow unprotected path i.e. the path which is not registered. We registered only /settings/?? path so except this path all other path are unprotected path.
Pushed Claim Token Lua expression {id_token=id_token,userinfo=userinfo} it is optional. If you want to pass Push claim token to get RPT Token then you need to enable UMA Push Claim Token: True ID Token in form and configure this expression. Plugin will pass this value to your UMA Policy and you can use this values to authorized the User.
Currently in default expression ti passing both values but you can modify it. Check here for more about expression and build UMA policy.

oidc-uma-1.png oidc-uma-1.png oidc-uma-1.png oidc-uma-1.png

Gluu Server configuration (AS)#

To enable UMA Policy, configure the following settings inside your Gluu Server UI(oxTrust). We are configuring here UMA Claim gathering flow. We are using the default policy available in the Gluu CE but you can code policy as per your requirement.

  1. In oxTrust, navigate to Configuration > Manage Custom Scripts

  2. Enable UMA RPT Polices & UMA Claims Gathering

    There is one uma_rpt_policy included in the script. During authorization, it checks Country=US and City=NY. If you want to change the value, update this script or add your own new script. For more details, take a look at Gluu CE Documentation. uma_rpt_policy uma_claim_gatering_policy

  3. Add policy in with-claims scope. Navigate to UMA > Scopes.


This completes the configuration. Next, request the Kong proxy at https://<your_host>/settings/ in the browser. As per my configuration, I am requesting


  1. Once you request to kong proxy, the plugin will redirect you to your OP side.


    After successful authentication, OP will show you all requested permissions, click on Allow.


  2. Next Gluu Server prompt the user to enter some extra information to authorize a user. AS will first ask the user to enter a value for Country. Enter US in a country.


  3. After submitting a Country claim, AS will ask the user to enter a value for City. Enter NY in the city.


  4. If all ok then you will see the below page that is /settings/


If you get some error then you can check the kong's error.log file.

For more details and configuration check gluu-openid-connect plugin docs.