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Thanks for your interest in Casa! Follow the instructions below to spin up an instance of Casa to offer end-users self-service 2FA and more for their account(s) in your Gluu Server.

View screenshots in the User Guide.

Gluu Server pre-requirements#

Casa must be installed on the same server or VM as an operational Gluu Server 4.0 instance with at least the following components:

  • Apache
  • Backend database (LDAP / Couchbase / Hybrid mode)
  • oxAuth


It is required your installation was configured to use a FQDN for hostname, not an IP address

Install Gluu 4.0

In addition, make sure your instance meets the following requirements:

  • At least 1GB of additional RAM on the server or VM in addition to Gluu Server system requirements

  • Enable Dynamic Client Registration: in your Gluu Server admin UI ("oxTrust"), navigate to Configuration > JSON Configuration > oxAuth configuration, find the dynamicRegistrationEnabled property, and confirm it is set to true.


    Dynamic client registration can be turned off after Casa installation, as needed.

Installation via Linux Packages#


If you have logged into the Gluu chroot in any console terminal, log out before proceeding.

Ubuntu 18 (bionic)#

Command Description Xenial Commands
Add Gluu Repository echo "deb bionic main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluu-repo.list
Add Gluu GPG Key curl | apt-key add -
Update/Clean Repo apt-get update
Install Gluu Casa apt-get install gluu-casa

Ubuntu 16 (xenial)#

Command Description Xenial Commands
Add Gluu Repository echo "deb xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluu-repo.list
Add Gluu GPG Key curl | apt-key add -
Update/Clean Repo apt-get update
Install Gluu Casa apt-get install gluu-casa

CentOS 7#

Command Description CentOS 7.2
Add Gluu Repository wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/Gluu.repo
Add Gluu GPG Key wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-GLUU
Import GPG Key rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-GLUU
Update/Clean Repo yum clean all
Install Gluu Casa yum install gluu-casa


Command Description RHEL 7
Add Gluu Repository wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/Gluu.repo
Add Gluu GPG Key wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-GLUU
Import GPG Key rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-GLUU
Update/Clean Repo yum clean all
Install Gluu Casa yum install gluu-casa

Debian 9 (Stretch)#

Command Description Stretch Commands
Add Gluu Repository echo "deb stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluu-repo.list
Add Gluu GPG Key curl | apt-key add -
Update/Clean Repo apt-get update
Install Gluu Casa apt-get install gluu-casa

Run the Setup Script#

The Casa setup script,, adds the application to the Gluu Server, imports required data to LDAP, and applies a number of required configurations in the Gluu Server chroot.

Log in to the Gluu Server chroot, as follows:

/sbin/gluu-serverd login

(Or service gluu-server login for Ubuntu 16).

Then cd to the setup scripts directory and run

cd /install/community-edition-setup

Answer the setup questions as prompted. Hit Enter to accept the default value specified in square brackets, if appropriate.

Finish setup#

After answering the setup questions, your selections will be displayed with a prompt to finish installation. If everything looks good, hit Y to finish.

Upon successful installation, a confirmation message will appear that says: "Casa installation successful! Point your browser to https://<host>/casa".


To change the default URL path for Casa follow the steps listed here. It is advisable to apply this customization before credentials are enrolled.

Unlocking admin features#

Recall admin capabilities are disabled by default. To unlock admin features follow these steps:

  1. Navigate inside chroot to /opt/gluu/jetty/casa/
  2. Create an empty file named .administrable (ie. touch .administrable)
  3. Restart casa
  4. Wait a couple of minutes, then visit the URL and authenticate against Gluu to access Casa


Once you have configured, tailored, and tested your deployment thoroughly, you are strongly encouraged to remove the marker file. This will prevent problems in case a user can escalate privileges or if some administrative account is compromised.


A Casa installation has a 30 day trial period after which you need a license file for casa to work properly. Check this page for more details.